Wednesday, 18 January 2012


During the studio section i began doing the boom mic, so we had sound during the show. I would have been on the studio floor off camera and would of had to move from one presenter to the other and also to the guest on the show but keeping the boom mic out of shot of the camera's. However we had a built in microphone into the studio so the boom wasn’t required. So I was then assigned to do the sound, which I hadn’t done before, so was thrown straight into it. This put me under quite a lot of pressure to get it right. 
                                                       So I
had about 10 minutes to learn all the dials and faders were for and then we began. So I then changed from the studio to the gallery. This role required me to control the sound for the whole production. It involved me having to change the sound from Studio to VT in a split second in co-ordination with the vision mixer and producer so the show ran smoothly. So when the Vt for Manchester came in I then had to use the Studio fader to turn that sound of and then put the volume on the VT fader up within a second. This required us to communicate with one another but at the same time making sure we are completely in time with one another. If I was out of time or slow it there would have been no sound or studio sound instead of the VT, and then quickly switch back when the VT had finished. It also required me selecting music and then playing it into the show at the correct times during the show. When the Game section of the show came  I also had to fill in during the rehearsals for somebody who wasn’t in on the day for the other production group by operating the camera 3, which was also a new thing to me. This required me to operate the camera and follow que's and scripts to get the correct shots at the right time. It meant i had to have quick reactions because i didn’t know their script very well. So i was taking que's from the Producer and Vision mixer in the gallery on what i had to do next. I had to track the presenters around the set, whilst maintaining a good shot of them, this ment i had to have good concentration and composure. I learnt quite a few new skills from this. The first skill was using the camera and learning how to focus the Camera's and zoom in and out. Basically how to work the Camera because it was the first time I had done it. Another one of the skills i learnt to do was using the sound board up in the gallery. I learnt the neccessary faders i needed to use for the TV show, which were studio,VT and Music faders. From my studio experience i would have changed how quick i was switching between VT and Studio sounds, I was slightly hesitating with the faders incase I did them too quick or slow, so I would of  changed my performance and been more confident when i was using the faders and more sharp, quicker to respond to my producers and Vision mixers

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